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Best Theatrical Drama Award won by TWGS at Pathways World School, Gurgaon

The Wisdom Global School won the Best Theatrical Drama at the Pathways World School, Gurgaon
The #MU20 Residential Programme 2024, featuring the #Theatrical Challenge conducted by #Anupam Kher Acting School in #collaboration with #AFS, reached its climax on Day 3 at #Pathways World School, Gurgaon. The day was charged with #excitement as teams showcased their theatrical prowess.
We are #thrilled to announce that The Wisdom Global School students (Garima Jain, Adhyayan Arora, Yug Khandelwal, Yuvika Tumbariya and Shiv Adhikari) emerged #victorious, securing the #coveted position for the "#Best Theatrical Drama" category. Their #stellar performance and #dedicated efforts were evident, making us immensely proud of their #achievement. Throughout the day, participants engaged in #dynamic theatrical workshops, #honing their #skills under the #guidance of experts. The drama showcase provided a platform for participants to exhibit their creativity and theatrical finesse. The success of our students #reflects not only their #talent but also their #perseverance and hard work. We extend our #heartfelt #congratulations to the #winning team and commend all participants for their outstanding contributions to the Theatrical Challenge.
The MU20 #Residential Programme 2024 has undoubtedly been a celebration of #theatrical #excellence, #fostering a spirit of #creativity and #collaboration among the participants.
#twgsshiningstars #twgsdramateam #twgswiningmoment #MU20Twgswinner

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